Clone Legacy: Book 3 in the Clone Crisis Trilogy Read online

Page 18

Vonna frowned.

  “Every one? What about Enzo?”

  “I’m not sure, Vonna,” I said. Worry lines appeared on her forehead, and I knew how she felt. The kid was growing on me, too. “I think it’s more about finding every one of his clones and destroying his center of power. If every one of them is locked up or killed, then we can take control back. But if there are others out there, making more clones of himself over and over again, then we’ll never win.”

  “Enzo’s on our side now,” Vonna said.

  “We think so, but is he really?” I asked. “We barely know him. And if genetics is any indication, he wants control as much as the rest of them.”

  “He’s helping us with the collars!” Vonna cried. “Doesn’t that prove anything?”

  “Maybe,” I said. “But how will he feel next week? Next month? In two years from now?”

  Vonna stormed off, but I followed her. Around lunchtime, most of the NBs were spread across cafeterias to serve food. Jane, Zheng, and I agreed to split up, each in a different lunchroom, to see how the NBs would respond to their temporary collar shut-offs. I followed Vonna to her post and we waited nervously. She wouldn’t look at me.

  I grabbed a tray and sat at a table near the center of the room with a few breeders I didn’t know. I talked cheerfully with them while keeping an eye on the clock. They were harmless. One man had just broken things off with a potential partner, and they were arguing if it was the right call. Being in a breeding camp felt like high class all over again.

  I watched as she scooped mashed potatoes onto a breeder’s plate. 11:58. A few more plates. 11:59.

  Then a few things happened at once. The lights on the ceiling briefly turned off then back on. I could hear the refrigerators and vending cylinders in the back do the same. All of the NBs flinched, though it didn’t seem like they were in pain. A second later, smiles appeared on their faces.

  “What was that?” one of my tablemates asked. I shrugged.

  “Something with the electrical grid?” one of the others said.

  “Yeah, I guess. Why is that NB smiling?” She pointed to a person in a light blue jumpsuit emptying a garbage can fifty feet away. He did look happy. His lips quivered between a smile and blankness.

  “Who knows!” I said. “But it’s a nice change, I guess.”

  I lost track of the conversation, which immediately spilled back to dating, as I waited for 12:05. I noticed most of the NB’s staring at the clock off and on. One woman nervously held her collar, worried it would shock her when the time came.

  There was another buzz, this time more faint. None of the lights flickered. The NB’s smiles disappeared. They whispered quietly with one another.

  I met Vonna’s eyes.

  “I told you!” she mouthed.

  COMMUNICATION BETWEEN ourselves and Yami got easier. Vonna would leave her a note in the evening and pick up the response in the morning. We caught Jane up on what we knew.

  “If Yami knows where HQ is located, why don’t we just ask them for help?” Jane asked.

  “Do you know how to leave here?” Vonna asked. “I don’t think breeders can.”

  “Probably not,” I said. “And I don’t need the extra attention that would come with asking.”

  “We can ask Enzo –“

  I glared at Vonna. Enzo had become a challenging topic for us. I appreciated his help and trusted him to keep our secrets for now. Ever since I read Yami’s first note, though, I felt myself pulling away from him. When HQ found and contained all the Chancellors, I wasn’t comfortable asking for his freedom. Corruption was written into his DNA.

  Jane looked back and forth between us when Vonna stopped talking. She didn’t get the tension just yet.

  “So we know where HQ is, and what they’re doing,” Jane said, ignoring the angry faces in the room. “How do we help?”

  I returned to my habit of pacing back and forth in front of my friends. Every time I saw Yami with her bodyguard, I wanted to run at them. I wanted to knock him to the ground. I had started getting up early to jog around the town just to burn up that angry energy.

  I wanted to get out. I wanted to take Yami and go to HQ. Turn off all the collars and empower the NBs to take charge. Find every last Chancellor and lock them up. Or worse.

  And then it hit me. I could do all of that.

  “I have a plan,” I said. “Vonna, we need to make sure the NBs are ready to make a move. And we need Enzo’s help.”

  Chapter 23 - Charlie

  Yami’s note the next morning contained only two words: I’m in.

  Jane wouldn’t come with us. She worried about getting caught. Vonna acted like it was a betrayal to our very existence; it was like Jane didn’t think we would be successful. But I talked her down, and Jane helped us prepare, so Vonna couldn’t stay angry too long.

  “You can stay and help the NBs,” I told Jane. “If this works – once this works, they’ll be free. They have to take over the camp. There are enough of them. But if they have a breeder on their side, it’ll help.”

  “I’ll let them know who you are,” Vonna added smugly. “They’ll be happy to have you fighting alongside them.”

  Jane grimaced at the thought of having a larger role, but agreed.

  Enzo assured us the timing was perfect. He was the only Chancellor within 100 miles of the camp. By the time they organized and came for us, we’d be at HQ with Enzo as our fake hostage. Or our real hostage. I was still torn. He was our friend, in a way, and he was helping us escape. HQ may not have the sympathy we had after knowing Enzo for so long.

  At 10 pm, I waited near the main gate.

  “Do you need something?” one of the guards asked.

  “No, I just heard the view of the stars was best over on this side of camp,” I said, grinning. It wasn’t clear who had higher status at the camp: breeders or soldiers. The gentleman had a gun, which was a point for him, but I was certain the Chancellor saw my life as more valuable. After a short stare down, the soldier backed away.

  I heard an electric buzz in the air, and a moment later, Enzo appeared from the main building. He nodded to the soldiers and then to me and headed into the NB areas. The soldiers called for him to come back for help, but he waved them away.

  “I would like to do one round of the camp, gentlemen,” he said. “I don’t think I need a chaperone for that. Oh – but would one of you lend me your gun?”

  A woman stepped forward and handed him the one from her holster. Enzo smiled and thanked her profusely.

  I looked up at the stars. It wasn’t enough to distract me, but I couldn’t make Enzo and Yami move any faster. I held myself still and smiled politely at the soldiers as they stared back at me.

  Three figures appeared from within the camp, heading right towards me. I watched them carefully as they approached. The man in front wore a formal suit. Jacob. With two of his supporters.

  “Gentleman, please keep an eye on this breeder,” Jacob announced as if he was one of the Chancellors. “Does he have a reason for being here? What lies has he already told you?”

  The soldier who gave her gun to Enzo stood at attention, eyeing me suspiciously.

  “He’s just here to look at the stars,” she stammered. “I’m not sure why...”

  Jacob turned his attention to me, and I could make out the small smile forming on his face.

  “Staring at the stars, Charlie?” He looked at his lackeys encouragingly, and they all chuckled. “They’re barely visible tonight. And why would a breeder, who should be socializing, be here alone this late at night? Tonight’s dance is still going on.”

  The solder turned toward me and furrowed her brows.

  “You may not appreciate astronomy, Jacob, but I took many science classes in high class. Looking at the stars at the edge of camp is a privilege.” I stood on shaky ground. It was a flimsy excuse at best.

  “This man has been holding secret meetings with other breeders and at least one NB.” Jacob puffed out his chest confident
ly. “He’s been trying to influence the Chancellor. He’s a former member of the rebellion.”

  The guards didn’t move.

  “Have you seen any NBs skulking around here? Maybe the Chancellor is coming?”

  “He just passed. He has a gun.” The woman breathed in quickly and leapt towards me, grabbing my arm. Her colleagues followed. One pinned my arm behind my back and fought me to the ground. Two others pointed their guns at me.

  “What are you really here for?” another soldier said. “Why did the Chancellor come by? What are you trying to do?”

  I stayed silent, and the soldier pulled my arm up tightly. I winced as it twisted upwards and pain spread up to my shoulder.

  “You don’t have to do this, Jacob,” I hissed. “Go home. Go to the dance. Go tell your followers about Adam and Eve.” Jacob merely laughed at the sight of me.

  There was a loud commotion inside the NB fences. Specifically, from Yami’s area. The soldiers immediately stood tall, and the three closest ones ran towards the sound. The soldier holding my arm pushed me closer to the ground. All the other guards quickly retreated, though, when Yami and Enzo appeared.

  “Stay back!” Yami yelled. “Back!” She had one arm over Enzo’s shoulder and the other arm pointing a gun at his head. Enzo held his hands up in surrender. His whole body shook.

  One of the guards frantically pushed a button on a fob in his hand, but Yami’s shock collar was turned off. She yelled at the guards to back up farther, and I followed alongside them. Yami marched Enzo towards the main building.

  “See? The Chancellor is involved,” Jacob cried out happily. “This is all fake, soldiers. The Chancellor isn’t even in trouble.”

  Yami raised her eyebrows in my direction, but I shook my head. A soldier inched his way towards Yami.

  “Back up!” she shouted. “I’ll kill him. I swear I will.”

  The soldier hesitated.

  “It’s all a ruse, officers,” Jacob said in a sing-song voice. He was having a great time, apparently.

  “Please back up,” Enzo whispered. Yami’s gun pushed into his cheek, and Enzo’s face was covered in sweat.

  “He’s on their side,” Jacob taunted them.

  The guards were torn. Half pointed their guns back at Yami, half had lowered their guns and were pointing them at the ground.

  Yami grabbed Enzo by the collar and shoved him to the ground only a few feet from where I was hunched over. She stared directly at Jacob’s face and kicked Enzo hard in the gut.

  “I’m a monster,” she said. “That’s what the Chancellor said.” She kicked Enzo again. We’d told her Enzo was on our side, but I couldn’t help thinking she enjoyed putting on this show. She kicked Enzo’s face and blood spurted from his nose. He whimpered and she dragged him back up to a standing position. He clutched his face with both hands while Yami kept the gun aimed at his temple.

  “All fake, officers,” Jacob said. He inched forward now, too, approaching the group of confused soldiers. “Do you think he’s in real danger? Did you know Charlie and Yami are from the same town? They grew up together. He’s in on this too. All three of them.”

  “Please don’t listen to that man,” Enzo pleaded. “Please don’t push her. She’s a maniac!”

  Vonna appeared from the other side of the fence with another gun in her hand. I didn’t know where this one came from, but Vonna assured me she knew where it was and would be able to get it. She slowly took in the new situation. Enzo’s bloody face. The soldier pinning me down. Jacob and his friends.

  Vonna aimed the gun towards Jacob.

  “You.” He held his hands up like Enzo. “Come here. Walk slowly. Stop two feet away from me.”

  Fear washed across Jacob’s face now. He kept up a steady stream of chatter, pleading with the guards. “You all have guns. This is unacceptable. They are all in on this together. Including the Chancellor.”

  “Shut up!” Yami yelled. “I’m so sick of listening to you!”

  Vonna clenched her jaw and stared at Jacob as he moved towards her. The guards watched, entranced. I wiggled my arm against the soldier’s grip. He was mesmerized by the situation, and I finally threw him off. I lunged for Jacob and tackled him down to the ground.

  Jacob struggled against me. He gripped my hair in his hands and pulled hard, then scratched my face. I heard a rumbling noise and looked up to see a pack of soldiers heading our way. Jacob saw I was distracted and kneed me in the chest. I fell to the side and he kicked me hard in the gut.

  “Others are coming!” I shouted to my friends. “I have to go!”

  Vonna looked around helplessly. I didn’t know what any of us were supposed to do.

  “Guards, please!” Enzo cried. His face was covered with blood but he gestured helplessly with both hands. “Stand back! I have to think!”

  “No more thinking,” Yami snarled. “Shut up.” She elbowed him in the side, and he bent in half. Yami’s gun never moved from his forehead.

  The soldiers got closer. I caught my breath, but Jacob now stood on my arm.

  “You dirty traitor,” he hissed. “I knew you were a traitor from the first time we spoke. Your people are ignorant. You will never win.”

  A gunshot rang through the air and I felt the bullet narrowly miss my ear. Jacob screamed and clutched his shoulder. I kicked him off me and pushed him to the ground where he writhed in pain. I turned to see Vonna’s face, pale and horrified. The gun in her hands shook in the air as she looked to be in shock.

  I looked at Yami; her mouth was open wide. Seeing Jacob moaning on the ground and blood on his shoulder reminded me of Sven; no doubt she felt the same way. With no other ideas, I made a break for the main building. A guard shot towards me and the bullet whizzed past me again as I ducked. I heard Enzo scream out for them to put their guns down as the other soldiers got closer.

  Enzo had provided us with clear instructions as to where the main server was located. Once the door closed behind me, I was overcome by the sudden silence.

  “Ok, first...” I talked to myself, my voice shaky, and pulled open a program in my B-Band. With access to the main server, it should be able to unclasp every collar in the camp. The program picked up the server’s signal. Once the program connected, I powered the server’s screen on and unlocked its security system.

  “Faster, Charlie!” I whispered to myself. I couldn’t hear a thing going on outside. I typed away, my fingers flying too fast. I kept needing to retype or go back a screen. But I got there: the system that controlled all the shock collars. I opened the schematics and mechanical controls, and like a necklace, unclasped collars across the camp.

  “One last thing,” I said to myself. The plan was for Vonna to shoot the equipment with her gun, making sure no one could come in and fix the collars any time soon. Without a gun, I found a metal chair and hurled it towards the computers.

  My shoulder ached. The first throw was off, and the chair just scratched the edge of the machine. I picked it up and launched it again. I crushed the screen and a few controls. I tossed the chair aside and attacked the server itself, a large black structure with wires and metal plates. I pulled the wires out haphazardly. Then I launched myself at the machine and tipped it onto the ground. It shattered into several large pieces. I used the chair to smash it harder and harder until I was surrounded by chunks of metal and circuitry. Exhausted, I pitched myself back into the hallway and tripped back outside.

  I was met with a wall of noise. The NBs were there in droves, attacking the guards in hand-to-hand combat. Shots and screams rang out. The NBs outnumbered the guards at least five to one, and they were slowly gaining control of the weapons.

  I searched the area for Vonna, Enzo, and Yami. Enzo looked like he had taken another beating; his eyes were red and swollen and his shirt was torn in half. Yami and Vonna stood around him with their backs against a truck. I caught a glimpse of light reflecting off the keys in Yami’s hands. Now I just had to join them.

  The sea of blue jumpsui
ts attacked the bay of Gray Suits ebbed and flowed before me. I wore plain clothes, and wasn’t sure if I was one side’s enemy, both, or neither. Yami caught my eye and I looked across at her helpless. I watched her open the back door to the truck and shove Enzo inside. She motioned to Vonna and they ran towards me, pointing their guns around themselves randomly. Yami screamed and fell to the ground. Vonna made it towards me and dragged me across the space. She pointed her gun threateningly against me: the only protection she could provide was a threat. Her hands were still shaking.

  We found Yami on the ground clutching her leg. I grabbed her under her shoulders to help her walk. When she couldn’t, I threw her over my shoulder like a firearm and we made it back to the truck.

  “Keys!” I cried, and Yami handed them over. Enzo scrambled over the seats to the front as Vonna joined Yami in the back. I hopped in the driver’s seat, turned on the car, and pressed my foot all the way down on the pedal. I swung to the side of the mass of people, anxious to avoid hitting anyone, and careened through a chain-link fence.

  Vonna gave me an uncomfortable smile from the back seat. Her collar must have fallen off, and she kept brushing her hands against her neck. Yami gritted her teeth in pain. Enzo passed his suit jacket back to her and Vonna followed my instructions to apply pressure.

  We were out. The NBs were free to take over the Hideaway. Yami was two feet away from me. We were going to HQ, and we were going to end this thing once and for all.

  Chapter 24 – Yami

  “Why didn’t you bring any medical supplies?” I screamed at Charlie as we drove into the noncomm. “What were you thinking?”

  Vonna shushed me. “Lay still!” She pushed me back so I was laid out along the back seat and I cursed her and Charlie repeatedly while she wrapped Enzo’s jacket around my calf.

  “We didn’t expect a fight,” Charlie explained. “You knew the plan. That was not the plan.”

  Enzo’s face was gray except for the bruises and blood. He had thrown his tablet in the back for Vonna and myself, and he sat perfectly still. I knew Charlie trusted him, and Vonna seemed enamored by him. I wasn’t convinced. But I was in no position to argue right now.